Sunday, October 24, 2010

Flights & Hotels

Hello all!

Here are some helpful travel hints if you are attending our wedding from afar.

If you are driving, I would highly recommend giving yourself PLENTY of time. If you must travel on the day of the wedding keep in mind that traffic on the Mass Turnpike is a true living nightmare. Add an extra 2 hours to whatever Google Maps, Mapquest, or your GPS tells you to get your estimated trip time, just to be safe.

If you are flying, I would suggest booking flights as soon as you possibly can. You never know if you're going to be able to get a good rate on a specific date/time at the last minute, most of the time you can't, so do it now while all those flights are still open! I like, they usually have the best rates and it's an easy site to navigate.

As for accommodations, there are a number of places you can stay. The most cost-efficient places are probably places like Days Inn or Comfort Inn in Danvers. For our wedding weekend it looks like Days Inn is about $75 a night and Comfort Inn is about $110 a night. Do some research of your own though, too. Danvers and Peabody are good places to look for cost-efficient chain hotels. However, if you're willing to pay just a little bit more, the Hawthorne Hotel in Salem is a beautiful and very historic place. I think their rooms run about $130 a night, and the environment is a whole lot nicer. If you really want to splurge, Bass Rocks Ocean Inn is right next to the reception spot. It's beautiful, but they run a lot closer to $300 a night.

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance!


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