Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween is a very special time for Adam and I as a couple. We both love the change of season from hot to cool, the fall foliage, the costume parties, the spooky movies, music, and television, and of course all of the Halloween treats. Most of all, the holiday always brings us back to the beginning of our relationship. On October 28th of 2006, after the Halloween party we attended with all our friends, Adam took the initiative and asked me out. He took me outside my dorm room into the hallway, told me that he liked me very much, and asked in that formal, respectful, and charming manner that he always has about him if I would like to come to his dorm the following night and watch a movie with him. Having had a huge crush on him for over a year at that point, I was of course over the moon and accepted. The rest is history. We both knew early on that what we had was very special, intense, and rare, and took great care to preserve it.

4 years later, we're planning our wedding, and while it seems like a natural step for us to take at this point, I count my blessings every day, and take none of it for granted. There is never a shortage of love in the world, it's a natural human inclination and it's everywhere you look. Strong, lasting, ever-evolving and unconditional love, however, is not as common, and I know I'm extremely lucky to have found it, especially so early in life.

I'll stop gushing now. Happy Halloween everyone! Be safe and enjoy.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Introducing....The Wedding Party!!!

We are pleased to announce the Kehoe/Collins Wedding Party!

Bride: Amanda Kehoe (duh)
Groom: Adam Collins (double duh)

Sarah Kehoe (Maid of Honor)
Claudia Bowman
Elfin Johanson
Teresa Sickler

Josh Collins (Best Man)
Peter Behr
Lucas Elder
John-Paul Kehoe

Jaime Collins

Ring "Bear":
James Mercier

Flower Girl:
Maeve Collins

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Flights & Hotels

Hello all!

Here are some helpful travel hints if you are attending our wedding from afar.

If you are driving, I would highly recommend giving yourself PLENTY of time. If you must travel on the day of the wedding keep in mind that traffic on the Mass Turnpike is a true living nightmare. Add an extra 2 hours to whatever Google Maps, Mapquest, or your GPS tells you to get your estimated trip time, just to be safe.

If you are flying, I would suggest booking flights as soon as you possibly can. You never know if you're going to be able to get a good rate on a specific date/time at the last minute, most of the time you can't, so do it now while all those flights are still open! I like, they usually have the best rates and it's an easy site to navigate.

As for accommodations, there are a number of places you can stay. The most cost-efficient places are probably places like Days Inn or Comfort Inn in Danvers. For our wedding weekend it looks like Days Inn is about $75 a night and Comfort Inn is about $110 a night. Do some research of your own though, too. Danvers and Peabody are good places to look for cost-efficient chain hotels. However, if you're willing to pay just a little bit more, the Hawthorne Hotel in Salem is a beautiful and very historic place. I think their rooms run about $130 a night, and the environment is a whole lot nicer. If you really want to splurge, Bass Rocks Ocean Inn is right next to the reception spot. It's beautiful, but they run a lot closer to $300 a night.

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance!


New Wedding Blog

Hello All!

Welcome to our wedding blog. This is going to be a forum for us (but mostly me) to share details about the wedding, get feedback, and answer your questions. I'll admit, it's mostly for my own amusement, but I hope it's helpful to some people in some way, shape, or form.

Welcome, enjoy, and thank you for visiting!!!