Sunday, February 20, 2011

Less than 6 months to go!

It's getting down to the wire! If you're planning on coming and you haven't booked your flights/hotels yet, now is the time, especially if you're planning on staying in Gloucester, where the reception is. It's a vacation town and those rooms will fill quickly, so it would be a good idea to act now.

In other news......GAHHHHH!!!!!!!! LESS THAN 6 MONTHS!!!!! There is still so much to do and my stress level is slowly rising, but I am beyond excited.

Just to update everyone a little bit on mine and Adam's life, here is the latest:

We decided to lease our current apartment for another 6 months. Our lease is up at the end of March and we were planning on moving, but decided that it would be a little more costly and a little more of a hassle than we'd prefer. After the wedding just seems like a better time.

We've been traveling quite a bit. Last month we went to Vancouver and I went home to visit my family in Boston, and this month Adam visited his family in Ohio. We also just got home from a one-night trip to central Washington to visit some friends, which was awesome. The drive through the mountains is breathtaking.

I got glasses! I went to an optometrist and as I suspected, I am moderately nearsighted. I am amazed at how well I can see with the glasses, I keep saying I don't think I could ever see this well before, it's an incredible sensation. I will probably be going back to get contacts before too long, because even though I don't mind the glasses, my vision for myself for my wedding day did not include them on my face.

Well, I hope that everyone is doing well and had a fantastic Valentine's Day! Let me know if you need any help selecting a hotel or finding flights. is great for flights, and is great for hotels if you're looking for a good deal.

Take care!



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